Renewable Power Corporation provides wrap-around service and solutions in the production of clean Hydroelectric power.
RPC is renowned for the planning, construction, maintenance, and operation of clean and efficient, small scale Hydroelectric plants in beautiful British Columbia.
From envisioning innovative projects, to day to day operations, Renewable Power Corporation's team of skilled professionals strives to meet the clean energy needs of today, and future generations.
With over a hundred years of combined experience, RPC is uniquely qualified to handle the many duties and challenges associated with hydroelectric plant operations. Renewable Power Corporation is incorporated under the laws of British Columbia to develop and manage emission-free run of river hydroelectricity projects.
RPC permited, constructed and operates the McNair Creek Hydroelectric Plant and the Tyson Creek Hydroelectric Plant and was involved in developing the Narrows Inlet Project, all of which are located on the Sunshine Coast. The principal of RPC also developed and constructed the McChannel Creek project which is also located on the Sunshine Coast.
“RPC sells the power it generates to BC Hydro, helping the province meet its mandate that at least 90% of all power generated in British Columbia must come from clean or renewable sources.”
RPC understands the importance of working in harmony with its surroundings. The management team includes extensive environmental analysis as part of the process of every project and listens to the hopes and expectations of surrounding communities, also taking into account First Nations concerns.
RPC has received Ecologo Certification for its projects, which is awarded to companies who meet a set of benchmarks related to social and environmental responsibility.
RPC is also involved with research initiatives related to the future technology and development of run of river projects. One project undertaken in conjunction with the University of British Columbia culminated in the development of a sophisticated hydro reconnaissance software tool able to scope out potential locations for run of river hydro projects anywhere in the world.